Wednesday, March 25, 2015

                                                        STRAWS INTO GOLD 

From yugoslavia to Pelopannes
staring out a window
to prestigious University's
Subsisting on daily bread
to home cooked meals
inner shells being exposed to 
the external world
Documenting their sadness
to flourishing in their homes
straws into golds
clay into molds
ravage and rancor is a human body
to veracious and valor

Friday, January 30, 2015

Descriptive Essays

My Winter Break wasn’t as exciting as I thought it would be. I visited Disneyland  a couple of times. It was exciting because I haven’t been to Disneyland since I was 5. It was shocking to me knowing how they added futuristic rides. Also, my heart almost jumped out of my chest because this one ride that i had no idea what was about just dropped. Now I wasn’t really thinking that it could be a crazy ride because it only had a belt for safety . And no ride that accelerates or goes crazy only has a seatbelt. So I was seated and strapped by belt , as soon as we lifted ,I was expecting a show or something, I would never forget that moment where everything just let go as if the ride had just stopped working automatically and my soul just gave up.

During break, I had more chances to visit my mom during break than any other day during the whole year. Since we have practice Monday-Saturdays for a whole year, we really can’t do much. So I take advantage during the offseason. I do admit it , I stayed home and did absolutely nothing. It was the best thing ever. I stayed in  bed for about ¾ of the time during the winter break, unless if I had errands to do .

On Christmas day ,my mom ,sisters and I all went to Disney. It was fun until we had to leave. On New Years eve, we made so much food that we didn’t get to finish all of it. There was still about ⅖ of what we had made, and there were about 15 people. We also had a small portion of some beverages that i rarely do and only proceed to do so on special days. Me on the other hand didn’t eat much because I wasn’t feeling to well so I only ate a minimum amount.

One of the best feelings that I enjoy only passes once a year . On Christmas mornings , I never fall asleep, I do something that is called an all nighter. Where one stays up the whole night.  When the sun is coming up, the air is really fresh and the sky is crystal clear, that day I really enjoy.

After it was our last week of break, I headed down to poinsettia park and began shooting hoops with my cousins. I ended up playing for about a good 5 hours and did the same thing for the next 3 days. I was drained out and fell asleep shortly afterwards and did not wake up at all for the next 12 hours.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


To be an American      

To be an An american doesn’t mean anything to me. We are all still human beings with different thoughts. Some people may be from Spain, Russia ,Toyko ,ect...Though in the end ,we are all the same. Others may have different opinions of what an American means because they could’ve taken part of a civil war or because they have had generations. Other people say they are Americans because they are born here.I agree that I am an American because  was born here, though , most of the time, I really don’t care.I will have to present myself and say where I am because I can’t say that i’m not from nowhere.

I’m also half Mexican because that’s where both my parents come from. To be an American can mean many things. It can mean that you watch football for entertainment, you can speak English, or your grandparents that have had parents who were from America. Some people hate being Americans because they’ve been part of wars or maybe for other reasons. We “Americans” are one of other countries that prize top successors. People who are actors or great athletes are rewarded with a great amount of money and fame. Plus there are different types of Americans

People who are Americans can be rednecks ,hillbilly’s,rich or famous. I can call myself an American because that is where i was born. I don’t really care that I am an American but I’m not gonna say that I’m from nowhere. Rich Americans are mostly the most spoiled and obnoxious. Most can be annoying and in my opinion, i don’t like them very much. Reason why is not because they have what i don’t ,nor am I picky ,though is because i’ve met a few, or more than a few and they’ve all made me hate them. You can notice someone’s behavior just by observing what they have and how they act.

Like i said ,we are all the same no matter where we’re from. Sure ,we may have different languages and religions , though we are all the same no matter what. People who ask you the question “where are you from” sometimes need the urge to compete who has a better homeland or how one is better than the other. Most only ask because they are curious or are interested in you. There are some countries that Americans don’t even know about yet . American people are often called fat and stupid because we always eat chunkfood and are “brainwashed”.

America is the land of the free, we are given freedom 365 days most of us think that racism is bad in which I strongly agree. I give thumbs up for that .Though we are stubborn and have government issues like budget cuts and not enough jobs.

There are different types of Americans. There are those who are very creative and paint murals on random walls of the city. Those who work on television entertainment and get big bucks, athletes who sign contracts for a couple of years and get millions. Those who produce game shows and are known all around the. And those who have a regular cooking job, have small get together parties and live life to the fullest. I mentioned this because if we think about it , America isn’t the only country that does this. Therefore ,everyone is the same. Some countries like Iraq, are dangerous because of war related. Other than that, we are all the same.

America use to be famous for its technology, movie’s, and sports. California and New York are loved the most because it’s where shows and celebrities live. Hollywood was also a big thing back in the early 70’s-90’s because it was always filled with tourists and it was like the hall of fame. To be an American only means that you were born here and that you have the right to say so. Other than that ,being an American means nothing to most of us because we don’t discriminate where you come from. We are all family from different parts of the world. Where we come from is our title, though means nothing when it comes down to competition.

Of course when I mention to people how being an American means nothing, i’ll have about 40 opinions from random people about how I’m wrong. It’s futile to continue when people already have opinions so I’d rather just keep it to myself.

Some people who really don’t care about being Americans are always the not-so-wealthy ones. They don’t worry about having to explain to people how being an American makes them more superior , or how they have better technology. One of my pet peeves is when one person makes fun of the other because they either have a better accent or better body features making the other person feeling like crap. Though I give thumbs up to the people who don’t really care.

Ept Essay


Most of the time, people usually tend to buy products only because it is popular or has been seen on advertisements. I buy items such as nike cleats and video games for my entertainment. I don’t watch T.V ,only movies so i don’t really know what’s new in fashion. Though i keep updated with some apps. There are also some times when the products are too pricy and you are left craving.

I tend to contradict myself because I end up agreeing and disagreeing my own statements. Of course, the only reason media releases advertisements is to lure us into buying promoted items. Ads are very successful and are in every corner of your eye. I also agree with sue because i’ve noticed how people buy clothes either because kim Kardashian was wearing it on the music awards , or because it’s popular in fashion.

I also disagree with sue because many people have common sense. My point is that everyone knows the purpose and the existence of ads. Other people buy products just because it may look tempting on how well it’ll either look on you or just for style. High schoolers are a big point. You can spot the young adults on campus wearing overly-prize clothing markings. Stores like diamond ,Hot Topic, H&M are some popular stores in the street of hollywood.

When football season begins, people go crazy about the ads on T.V. Football only lasts about half a year and when season begins, it is a big deal. Football season starts for kids , high schoolers, college , and professional football. Also ,when you play football ,you need to wear protection like hyperbeast, cleats, mouth guards, leggings to keep you warm, etc.. Football is a time of a year that is celebrated everywhere, and when i say everywhere , I mean on Television. There are shows about football, festivals ,and games.

Sport overall are a big part of ads that take place as you read this. It is huge because sports is part of us. We may not be involved, though we are part of it. Many deaths have taken place during a match .Football is a very dangerous sport because it involves physical contact and many people either suffer from a injury for life, or have been deceased. When ads pop up ,it sometimes gets to us because it can talk about how to prevent from getting an injury. Say a new headwear for skating has been released and will be on stores tomorrow. Parents may see the news and may go out to buy a few pair only to keep you safe.

Other products such as make-up and cream is bought to keep yourself looking pretty, or for special occasions. Many young women are starting to wear make-up just to look pretty for other people. There isn’t anything wrong with that, though it starts becoming a problem when they take it too far. The ads tell them how pretty they will look if they apply some of the products to the face. Though, some are oblivious ,rush and apply before understanding the consequences. It may leave your face looking older than what it was before and that’s what some people don’t understand.

To be an American

To be an American       

To be an An american doesn’t mean anything to me. We are all still human beings with different thoughts. Some people may be from Spain, Russia ,Toyko ,ect...Though in the end ,we are all the same. Others may have different opinions of what an American means because they could’ve taken part of a civil war or because they have had generations. Other people say they are Americans because they are born here.I agree that I am an American because  was born here, though , most of the time, I really don’t care.I will have to present myself and say where I am because I can’t say that i’m not from nowhere.

I’m also half Mexican because that’s where both my parents come from. To be an American can mean many things. It can mean that you watch football for entertainment, you can speak English, or your grandparents that have had parents who were from America. Some people hate being Americans because they’ve been part of wars or maybe for other reasons. We “Americans” are one of other countries that prize top successors. People who are actors or great athletes are rewarded with a great amount of money and fame. Plus there are different types of Americans

People who are Americans can be rednecks ,hillbilly’s,rich or famous. I can call myself an American because that is where i was born. I don’t really care that I am an American but I’m not gonna say that I’m from nowhere. Rich Americans are mostly the most spoiled and obnoxious. Most can be annoying and in my opinion, i don’t like them very much. Reason why is not because they have what i don’t ,nor am I picky ,though is because i’ve met a few, or more than a few and they’ve all made me hate them. You can notice someone’s behavior just by observing what they have and how they act.

Like i said ,we are all the same no matter where we’re from. Sure ,we may have different languages and religions , though we are all the same no matter what. People who ask you the question “where are you from” sometimes need the urge to compete who has a better homeland or how one is better than the other. Most only ask because they are curious or are interested in you. There are some countries that Americans don’t even know about yet . American people are often called fat and stupid because we always eat chunkfood and are “brainwashed”.

America is the land of the free, we are given freedom 365 days most of us think that racism is bad in which I strongly agree. I give thumbs up for that .Though we are stubborn and have government issues like budget cuts and not enough jobs.

There are different types of Americans. There are those who are very creative and paint murals on random walls of the city. Those who work on television entertainment and get big bucks, athletes who sign contracts for a couple of years and get millions. Those who produce game shows and are known all around the. And those who have a regular cooking job, have small get together parties and live life to the fullest. I mentioned this because if we think about it , America isn’t the only country that does this. Therefore ,everyone is the same. Some countries like Iraq, are dangerous because of war related. Other than that, we are all the same.

America use to be famous for its technology, movie’s, and sports. California and New York are loved the most because it’s where shows and celebrities live. Hollywood was also a big thing back in the early 70’s-90’s because it was always filled with tourists and it was like the hall of fame. To be an American only means that you were born here and that you have the right to say so. Other than that ,being an American means nothing to most of us because we don’t discriminate where you come from. We are all family from different parts of the world. Where we come from is our title, though means nothing when it comes down to competition.

Of course when I mention to people how being an American means nothing, i’ll have about 40 opinions from random people about how I’m wrong. It’s futile to continue when people already have opinions so I’d rather just keep it to myself.

Some people who really don’t care about being Americans are always the not-so-wealthy ones. They don’t worry about having to explain to people how being an American makes them more superior , or how they have better technology. One of my pet peeves is when one person makes fun of the other because they either have a better accent or better body features making the other person feeling like crap. Though I give thumbs up to the people who don’t really care.