Friday, January 30, 2015

Descriptive Essays

My Winter Break wasn’t as exciting as I thought it would be. I visited Disneyland  a couple of times. It was exciting because I haven’t been to Disneyland since I was 5. It was shocking to me knowing how they added futuristic rides. Also, my heart almost jumped out of my chest because this one ride that i had no idea what was about just dropped. Now I wasn’t really thinking that it could be a crazy ride because it only had a belt for safety . And no ride that accelerates or goes crazy only has a seatbelt. So I was seated and strapped by belt , as soon as we lifted ,I was expecting a show or something, I would never forget that moment where everything just let go as if the ride had just stopped working automatically and my soul just gave up.

During break, I had more chances to visit my mom during break than any other day during the whole year. Since we have practice Monday-Saturdays for a whole year, we really can’t do much. So I take advantage during the offseason. I do admit it , I stayed home and did absolutely nothing. It was the best thing ever. I stayed in  bed for about ¾ of the time during the winter break, unless if I had errands to do .

On Christmas day ,my mom ,sisters and I all went to Disney. It was fun until we had to leave. On New Years eve, we made so much food that we didn’t get to finish all of it. There was still about ⅖ of what we had made, and there were about 15 people. We also had a small portion of some beverages that i rarely do and only proceed to do so on special days. Me on the other hand didn’t eat much because I wasn’t feeling to well so I only ate a minimum amount.

One of the best feelings that I enjoy only passes once a year . On Christmas mornings , I never fall asleep, I do something that is called an all nighter. Where one stays up the whole night.  When the sun is coming up, the air is really fresh and the sky is crystal clear, that day I really enjoy.

After it was our last week of break, I headed down to poinsettia park and began shooting hoops with my cousins. I ended up playing for about a good 5 hours and did the same thing for the next 3 days. I was drained out and fell asleep shortly afterwards and did not wake up at all for the next 12 hours.


  1. My winter break wasn't fun either, I thought it could have been better. But think of it in a positive way at least you went Disney land I didn't even go to any parks, But over all I really enjoyed your essay.

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  3. Your winter break sounds way better than mine since I didn't do anything AT ALL! Disneyland sounds fun, I only had been there once. You had more fun than I did. Your essay was pretty interesting.
